As a US Navy servicemember, naturally I'm required to shave every single day. The cost of it all adds up very quick, and sometimes it isn't the most comfortable thing in the world. It doubled in discomfort during deployment. The narrow racks, passageways, and limited personal space we are given on an aircraft carrier will really get to you. You'll look for basic comforts anywhere you can. Some personal air conditioning, a few pictures hung up here and there, and for some of us - a more comfortable shave. I was stuck with regular aerosol canned shaving cream and razors with disposable heads. The price was sky high, and so was the amount of bumps on my face.
When I returned home I started looking at all the different methods of shaving, and which ones would be cheaper, more effective, and most of all more comfortable. It didn't take me long to stumble upon wet shaving. Cost effective, classy, and having the added effect of being better for the environment, it immediately caught my eye. I started looking into everything I would need and soon I was HOOKED.
Eventually I would come to the point of needing a shaving brush. Having had experience in turning, I looked at cheaper ways to make my own shaving brushes. Going to my local stores to find knots, (unbearably stiff and cheaply made though they were), and found some wood I liked to make my first shaving brush myself. Low in quality, but still pretty good-looking, and so much fun to create. The addiction had taken its final grasp on me, and I was ready to keep creating. I swiftly looked up other shaving brush creators, material costs, better quality knots...It was insane.
It was time to turn this into a full blown business venture for me. It was a no-brainer, as I knew TONS of people who were REQUIRED to shave daily, so why not get a better quality shave out of it, right? Naming the company turned out to be extremely easy for me. I just incorporated my daughters name, taking one of my newfound passions, and combining it with the person I loved most in the world, Aurora Grooming was finally born. Now I'm here, writing to you all to show you exactly what started this venture, and (attempting) to convey my passion. I can't wait to see what the future holds for me.
-Peter Ogdin
